As the physician and specialist shortage grows steeper and the ripple effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to cause shifts in the health care landscape, the need for skilled nurses and technologists is exploding. While the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 9% job growth for registered nurses from 2020 through 2030, that is not enough to accommodate the anticipated loss of nurses in the profession (primarily due to “aging out” or retirement). On average, about 194,500 registered nurse job openings are expected annually between 2020 and 2030.

Between an aging workforce and the need for more healthcare professionals, healthcare employers need a good solution for staffing up. That’s why many facilities turn to a Clinical Specialist Private Practice like Healthworks to provide targeted services for the growing cardiovascular and imaging industries. Below, the team at Healthworks highlights the advantages of working with a cardiovascular service line provider.

Improves Patient Experience

Customer expectations in the healthcare industry are transforming. With a wide range of care options available at their fingertips, from hospitals and private practices to urgent care, patients can afford to be selective and, as a result, are holding providers to a higher standard of care and experience than ever before. Hospitals are measured by patient satisfaction scores. The HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) survey is the first national, standardized, publicly reported survey of patients’ perspectives of hospital care. While many hospitals have collected information on patient satisfaction for their internal use, until HCAHPS, there was no national standard for collecting and publicly reporting information about patient experience of care that allowed valid comparisons to be made across hospitals locally, regionally, and nationally. As Healthworks, Inc. Clinical Associates demonstrate a robust knowledge base and positive attitude to the patient, this will have an impact on these scores.

When you partner with a cardiovascular service line provider like Healthworks, you can improve the patient experience by delivering consistent, patient-centric care across all areas and levels of care which will impact patient satisfaction scores.

Improves Patient Retention and Reduces Outmigration

Did you know acquiring new patients is six to seven times more expensive than retaining an existing one? With the development of a strong cardiovascular service line and care coordination, you can successfully keep patients within one system, build a strong referral network, and greatly reduce outmigration. Through service line excellence, you can create high satisfaction across all areas and levels of care that ensures patients will continue to bring business to your facility.

Controls Costs

As healthcare facilities migrate from a revenue system built solely on patient volume to one more concentrated on patient-centered care and quality outcomes, ways to control costs and maximize revenue have escalated. Not only does working with a service line provider allow for centralized operational decision-making, but capital and spending habits are also better controlled. Affiliations with a CV service line provider can drive standardization, enhance quality, and control costs. With Healthworks, you can add the experts you need to your team without additional overhead expenses.

Clinical Staffing Solutions and More for Your Cardiovascular Service Line

Are you looking to enhance your cardiovascular service line? Healthworks is here to help. Through our expert clinical staffing solutions, professional development and training, and innovative industry solutions, Healthworks aims to supply the right people at the right time. While making the organizational shift to a service line structure may seem daunting, the long-term benefits are significant not only for your organization but also for your people and patients. To learn more about how Healthworks can provide support to your organization, contact our team today.


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